Terms of Endearment – reblog from NOT QUITE OLD

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Nancy and I seem to be on the same kindness path. I’m certain many of you are as well. Isn’t it a welcome relief to read of the good that occurs in the world?


I can easily come up with dozens of little kindnesses that I’ve experienced lately. If I go back further, I can come up with hundreds. Maybe thousands in my whole lifetime, which is about 2/3 of a century now. I’m grateful for those kindnesses and also grateful that I remember them. I’d hate to let a kindness be forgotten.

But I am now thinking of kindnesses that I myself have offered, and whether it is a good thing or a bad thing, I seem to have forgotten most of them.

Maybe it is a virtue to pay a kindness and let it go.

But what if it is because I have been stingy with my own kindnesses?

I really hope not. I know I pay a lot of compliments. And not just lip service – I try to recognize excellence – to notice and call it out.

I tell people…

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