Normal is highly under-rated

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girl-863686_640Have you ever experienced a time when things just weren’t going right or you were ill and felt you would never again return to normal?

Of course you have, we all have. We were so wrapped up in our  current state of affairs, we couldn’t even remember what normal feels like. This phenomena may also be characterized as craving the status quo, a condition that many of us usually abhor, given the option of leading an eventful and stimulating life.

When we’re on our knees praying to the Universe for a break – or perhaps worshiping the Porcelain God with an upside down stomach – we’ll give anything for boredom, a heightened state of normalcy, or a long stretch of monotony.

My suggestion to you: the next time your yawns make you impatient for something different, be careful what you wish for and enjoy the ennui while you can.

man-272675_640And when you’re going through a rough patch, remember that when you’re in the dumps, this too shall pass, and when it does, you’ll have the opportunity to relish the calming state of normalcy once again.

It’s always nice having something to look forward to, isn’t it?





2 thoughts on “Normal is highly under-rated

    Jill Weatherholt said:
    October 21, 2015 at 10:48 am

    This is exactly the reason why I never complain about going to my day job. There was a time, when I couldn’t even get out of bed. Great post, Irene!


      boomer98053 responded:
      October 21, 2015 at 11:31 am

      Thanks, Jill. We can’t avoid the valleys, but we can look forward to being on top of the mountain some day soon. And for most of us? There doesn’t have to be a celebration awaiting us when we get back up there. Just BEING there is enough.

      Liked by 1 person

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