Lighten Up Mondays

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The truck driver looked askance at the soup he had just been served in a backwoods eatery.  It contained dark flecks of seasoning, but two of the spots were suspicious

“Hey,” he called out to the waitress, “these particles in my soup – aren’t they foreign objects?”

She scrutinized the bowl.  “No, sir!” she reassured them.  “Those things live around here and are all-American.”

The big Texan, visiting New York for the first time, entered a fancy restaurant and ordered a steak.  The waiter served it very rare.  The Texan took one look at it and demanded that it be returned to the kitchen and cooked.

“It is cooked,” snapped the waiter.

A cow
(Photo credit: SocialRobot)

“Cooked – nothing!” shouted the Texan.  “I’ve seen cows hurt worse than that, and get better.”

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